Dr Kening Zhu: meHCI
20 minutes, 24/7 streaming
Available on 9 -13 September 2020, Wed-Sun
The research group of Multimodal and Embodied Human-Computer Interaction (meHCI) is a Human-Computer Interaction research group at the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. While the computer interfaces today are mainly visual and auditory, in meHCI, we mainly focus on inventing new types of multimodal and embodied interaction between human and computer, and creating a “touchable” future for our society. Our research interests include tangible user interfaces, wearable user interfaces, mobile user interfaces, virtual and augmented reality, and the application of these interfaces/technologies in education, entertainment, accessibility, and so on. The research group was founded and led by Dr. Kening ZHU, who is an Assistant Professor jointly appointed by the School of Creative Media and the Department of Computer Science.