20 minutes, 24/7 streaming
Available on 9 -13 September 2020, Wed-Sun
Dr Miu Ling Lam is a media artist and researcher of robotics and computational imaging. Impression Machine is her recent robotic art installation exhibited in Leonardo da Vinci. Art & Science Then & Now. In this work, a digital camera is connected to a 6-axis robot arm. The camera moves along some trajectories while taking long exposure photographs. A display shows a sequence of 2D contours which is tightly synchronized with the camera pose. The 2D patterns are combined in the captured long exposures and constitute some 3D geometric shapes that were depicted in Leonardo’s drawings for his study of perspective.
20 minutes, 24/7 streaming
Available on 9 -13 September 2020, Wed-Sun
The research group of Multimodal and Embodied Human-Computer Interaction (meHCI) is a Human-Computer Interaction research group at the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. While the computer interfaces today are mainly visual and auditory, in meHCI, we mainly focus on inventing new types of multimodal and embodied interaction between human and computer, and creating a “touchable” future for our society. Our research interests include tangible user interfaces, wearable user interfaces, mobile user interfaces, virtual and augmented reality, and the application of these interfaces/technologies in education, entertainment, accessibility, and so on. The research group was founded and led by Dr. Kening ZHU, who is an Assistant Professor jointly appointed by the School of Creative Media and the Department of Computer Science.
20 minutes, 24/7 streaming
Available on 9 -13 September 2020, Wed-Sun
The work of Héctor RODRÍGUEZ proceeds in two interconnected directions. First of all, it foregrounds and transforms key mathematical operations, particularly orthogonal projection and matrix factorization, which are built into many computer vision algorithms. These operations, often black-boxed, are brought to the surface and put on display in a self-reflexive way. The second direction concerns the visual and aesthetic analysis of classical cinema. Computer vision and machine technologies have the potential to reconfigure our perception of the cinematic archive, directing our attention towards the micro-movements constitutive of cinematic rhythm and duration and away from character and plot.
20 minutes, 24/7 streaming
Available on 9 -13 September 2020, Wed-Sun
Established in 2018, based on an ongoing ACIM fellowship KLEIN established the Material Lab in the School of Creative Media. The lab is currently working on laser mediated cyanotype processes in collaboration with Industry partner Peopoly and The University Museum and Art Gallery. The aim is to establish chemical and mechanical processes that allow the augmentation of 3D printed surfaces with complex patterns. The result, achieving high –resolution painting on 3D printed objects has the potential to revolutionize an entire Industry. The research is set in the larger context of establishing the emerging discipline of Digital Craftsmanship – a confluence of traditional craft methods tools and materials with new digital workflows, techniques, software and workflows.
20 minutes, 24/7 streaming
Available on 9 -13 September 2020. Wed-Sun
The XRL (eXtended Reality Lab), co-directed by Alvaro CASSINELLI and Christian SANDOR, is part of the SCM (School of Creative Media), a one-of-a-kind institution, nurturing new generations of interdisciplinary artists and creative media professionals in Asia and abroad.
A crucible for media artists, scientists, designers and inventors from all over the world interested in producing original work in the fields of Augmented Reality (including its fundamental technologies: computer vision, optics, computer graphics, and human-computer interaction) and Augmented Materiality (physical computing, smart materials, digital fabrication, swarming robotics, IoT among other emerging technologies).
20 minutes, 24/7 streaming
Available on 9 -13 September 2020, Wed-Sun
ITV by Richard Allen
Exploring the distance that separates Data and Matter, Sublimation and Reification, Values and Actions, Art and Facts, Finance and Ethics, Thought and Objects, the ND Lab investigates the possible convergence of apparently antagonist fields. The Brain Factory project aims to give shape to human abstractions through BCI (Brain Computer Interaction) leading to the reification of thoughts by 3D Printing. Value of Values connects the shapes of Human Values to the Blockchain, ready for transactions and collection. They become poetry and ethical statements. DïaloG, urban installation will allow two digital entities to understand each other and the world surrounding them.
Tools are developed to give shape to human thoughts. The core of the project is the materialisation process called “reification” converting thought into objects. It aims to find out the real value of Human Values, from economy to transactional poetry.
The Neuro Design Lab has been built as part of the ACIM lab, supported by the School of Creative Media CityU HK. It is part of MindSpaces S+T+Arts project, and MindSpaces HK.
Hong Kong Garden is an initiative by the Neuro-Design Lab.