Art in the Cloud

Art In The Cloud – Cedric MARIDET

Cedric MARIDET (Artist)

Maridet is a research-based artist working in Hong Kong since 1999. His work often explores sound through the act of listening, collecting and archiving with a strong interest in system of knowledge and fiction. His work takes multiple forms such as  video, installations, photography, sound compositions and works on paper. Maridet has exhibited, performed and lectured at many international sites including Tate Modern, Para Site, Tai Kwun Contemporary and Suomenlinna in Helsinki. Maridet currently holds a position of Assistant Professor at the Academy of Visual Arts of Hong Kong Baptist University.

Video: (not quite) a catalogue of birds

(not quite) a catalogue of birds is a performative protocol to sound out and listen to dislocated bird songs – as a way to explore forms of common ground with the non-human inhabitants of the urban. This project takes root in the great tradition of imagining a universe without humans, where animals take over cities as they did during the aftermath of the catastrophe of Fukushima, or during more recent events like the COVID-19 lockdown. This work welcomes these forms of ‘non- verbal’ communication, inviting group vocalisations of various bird calls – not as an attempt at interspecies communication, but an invitation to explore other forms of being, being together, and habitation.